Calculation Notes:
For calculating 2110 inputs, there are a few notes to keep in mind.
- 2110 does not use timing data like other formats so no need to account for front/back porch or sync lines.
- Typical packet overhead is between 5% and 7%
- Make sure to account for active video (sending black is still video)
ST 2110 Bandwidth Formula
ST 2110 supports custom input resolutions and frame rates. ST 2110 does not have blanking pixels like DisplayPort and HDMI. However, ST 2110 incurs overhead due to packetization of the data. This overhead is at least 5%, and more typically around 7%. Also note that there may be management or other traffic on the Ethernet network reducing the available bandwidth.
ST 2110 Data Rate Formula:
Data Rate = Active Width × Active Height × Frame Rate × Bits/Color
× Pixel Format × (1+Packet Overhead)
Pixel Format value = 2 for 4:2:2 or 3 for RGB / 4:4:4.
As an example, a 5K (5120×2880), 60 Hz, 8 bits/color RGB signal with 7% overhead requires:
(5120 × 2880) × 60 × 8 × 3 × 1.07 = 22,720,020,480 bits/second (~22.7Gbit/s)
This data rate will fit on a 100G Ethernet link but not on a 10G Ethernet link.
For ST 2022-7 redundancy, the data rate is doubled to account for both redundant streams.
Important 100G Notes
The ST 2110 input on HELIOS can ingest up to 4 total streams at a time. It is important to be aware of some of the safeguards around each channel. The table below shows the important info to be aware of.
Item | Value |
Total number of streams | 4 |
Supported bit depths | 8, 10, 12 BPC |
Supported color formats | 4:4:4 or 4:4:2 |
A input maximum bandwidth | 2,124 Megapixels per second (8k@60) |
B/C/D inputs maximum bandwidth | 780 Megapixels per second (just under 6k@60) |