This guide outlines the causes of and preventive measures for the HELIOS alert: "MAC Errors". This alert is referred to as "MAC Errors" and "Cable/HW Errors" in HELIOS. Starting with version v24.11, the name of this error has been updated to "Cable/HW errors". This was done in an effort to help the user quickly understand and start resolving the issue. Both "MAC Errors" and "Cable / HW Errors" refer to the same underlying alert.
Identifying Cable / HW Errors (MAC Errors)
Users will recognize Cable / HW Errors when an alert is flagged under the Health tab in HELIOS. These alerts will also appear in the following sections:
Devices > Display Devices > Alerts
Mapping > Tile Details
Health > Reports > Tile Reports
What Do These Alerts Indicate?
A Cable / HW Error typically signifies an unstable connection between the network switch and the tiles. These errors are commonly caused by one or more of the following factors:
The Ethernet cables connecting the tiles.
The Ethernet port connections on the tiles.
The internal connections from the external Ethernet port to the tile’s internal hub board.
Any combination of these factors may lead to a Cable / HW Error.
To resolve the issue, systematically investigate the tiles identified by HELIOS. Start by examining the Ethernet cables, as these are the most frequent source of the error. Possible causes include:
Worn or damaged cables
Low-quality or improperly rated cables
Loose connections at the Ethernet ports (e.g., loose support screws)
Additionally, internal connections may be damaged or malfunctioning. It’s also important to consider whether tiles preceding the affected tile in the chain could be causing the issue, with the error only becoming apparent at the receiving tile.
Monitoring Stability
One of the most effective tools for diagnosing Cable / HW Errors is the Health > Reports > Tile Counters page . This page is particularly useful when commissioning a wall or when errors occur. Sort the data by the highest number of Cable / HW errors to identify which tiles are experiencing the most issues. You can also reset the counters, then allow the system to run for a period to determine whether the changes have resolved the problem.
If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to [email protected] and include your system's log files for further assistance.